Sunday, June 17, 2007

Resolve Tax Challenges

June 17, 2007
San Francisco, CA

A M Benjamin Services,
owned and operated by Anthony M. Benjamin Sr.
is currently offering free and low cost tax advice
to any taxpayer trying to resolve tax issues with state or local governments.

While not a lawyer who can represent you alone before
a tax court administrator or judge
I am a bonded registered tax preparer ;

(1) who can legally assist you in preparing your tax documents,
(2) researching tax laws and show you your options
(3) stand by your side in a hearing and showing what tax laws your decisions

were based on
(4) assist you in collecting the documents to prepare tax forms

If you need assistance in

(1) preparing current or prior taxes forms
(2) seeking a solution to tax debts
(3) reduce tomorrow taxes by making an educated plans today

Then our tax services can help you.

While many people fear IRS agents and perceive them to have god like powers,
in reality they are a group of men and women no different from yourself
whose job is to strictly follow a set of tax rules that is written in tax law books.

A merciful resolution is available to any problem you may have with any government tax agency in the United States
provide you do two things.


If you have a decent job I will not lie to you and say you can get out of debt without paying any money;
but I will say you can find peace of mind by knowing what you have to pay and when the debt should come to an end.

If you are unemployed or have a low paying job, it is possible delay paying tax bills until you get a job.

The government allows a minimum standard of living or income that you are allow to collect.

My most popular item ever written on the web was
"Three Reasons to File Income Taxes" !

At my last check it was viewed over 28,000 times.
Like the name states, it is benefits you get for filing taxes which are the

Statute of Limitations
Offer in Compromise Program
Peace of Mind

Three reasons to file taxes can be viewed at


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